75 Point Essential Car Checklist

75 Point Essential Car Checklist

9th Jan 2024

Are you in the market for a second-hand car?

Do you know what to look out for?
Most buyers are able to identify defects easily, however they usually discover them after taking delivery of the vehicle.

75 Point Essential Car Checklist

Link to Website : mydrive.au

The 75 Point Essential Car Checklist is a comprehensive checklist that has been designed with an easy to follow format Divided into sections and sequentially numbered. You will breeze through your next car inspection knowing all the important points have been covered.

For the Experienced Car Buyer

For the experienced car buyer, simply go to the download page and download and print the CAR CHECK checklist to use when inspecting your next car. The form has been organised into sections and sequentially numbered. All the important points have been covered.

For the Novice Car Buyer

For the novice car buyer, don't worry help is at hand. Download and print the CAR CHECK checklist and use the CAR CHECK GUIDE to assist you on your next car inspecton.  
